Sensapex uM

Sensapex offers micromanipulators (uMp) which can be convenient for positioning miniature microscopes such as the Mini2P.

Hardware Config

Follow instructions on the Sensapex site for installation of the particular uM hardware.

Software Configuration

In ScanImage, open the Resource Configuration window from the startup dialog or from the Main Controls window under File>Configuration.

  1. From the Resource Configuration window, click the “+” button. Select Motor Controller from the sidebar, and select Sensapex UMX. Assign a name and continue.

  2. Configure the ScanImage driver.

Connection tab


Broadcast Address

Select the IPv4 broadcast address of the Sensapex device


The IPv4 address of the controller can be found from the touch screen (e.g. uMp TSC2) by going to the settings/manipulator settings.

Device ID

The ID of the device

Update device list

After inputting a broadcast address, click here to query the controller for and update the Device ID dropdown list with device IDs

Communication timeout [ms]

longest allowable duration to wait for a response from the controller after a command or query

Movement Settings tab


Movement Speed [µm/s]

The movement speed of the axes

Simultaneous Axes Movement

Whether or not to move axes in tandem

Movement Acceleration [µm/s^2]

The movement acceleration of the axes

Once the device has been configured, it can be added to the ScanImage® imaging system via the left pane of the Resource Configuration window under the ScanImage tab after clicking the SI Motors button.

Scaling factors are provided in addition to the configuration settings.