IntegrationField API


For an overview of the ScanImage® Roi concept, please review the page Scanfields, ROIs, ROI Groups.

For an overview of the RoiGroup and Roi API, please review the article RoiGroup & Roi API

Integration Scanfield

Definition of an IntegrationField

 1hSf = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.IntegrationField();  % create an Integration Scanfield = 1;                                    % assign IntegrationField to channel 1
 3hSf.centerXY = [0.5,0.5];                           % set center [x,y] of IntegrationField to center of Reference space
 4hSf.sizeXY = [0.25,0.25];                           % set size [x,y] of IntegrationField in Reference space
 5hSf.rotationDegrees = 0;                            % set rotation of IntegrationField in Reference space
 6hSf.mask = rand(10);                                % set a mask with weights for underlying pixels
 8hRoi = scanimage.mroi.Roi();   % create empty Roi
 9z = 0;
10hRoi.add(z,hSf);               % add IntegrationField at z = 0
12hSI.hIntegrationRoiManager.roiGroup.add(hRoi);  % add IntegrationRoi to IntegrationRoiManager

Create IntegrationField by masking entire Imaging Scanfield

 1hSf_imaging = hSI.hRoiManager.currentRoiGroup.rois(1).scanfields(1);    % get the current imaging Scanfield
 2z = hSI.hRoiManager.currentRoiGroup.rois(1).zs(1);                      % get z of the current imaging Scanfield
 3resXY = hSf_imaging.pixelResolution;                                    % get pixel resolution of current imaging Scanfield
 4mask = zeros(resXY(2),resXY(1));                 % create a mask for the scanfield that has the same pixel resolution as the imaging scanfield
 5mask(1:10,1:10) = 1;                             % set upper left corner to 1
 7hSf = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.IntegrationField.createFromMask(hSf_imaging,mask);    % create IntegrationField from imaging scanfield and mask = 1;  % assign IntegrationField to channel 1
10hRoi = scanimage.mroi.Roi();                    % create empty Roi
11hRoi.add(z,hSf);                                % add IntegrationField to Roi
12hSI.hIntegrationRoiManager.roiGroup.add(hRoi);  % add IntegrationRoi to IntegrationRoiManager

Create IntegrationField by masking individual pixels of Imaging Scanfield

 1hSf_imaging = hSI.hRoiManager.currentRoiGroup.rois(1).scanfields(1);    % get the current imaging Scanfield
 2z = hSI.hRoiManager.currentRoiGroup.rois(1).zs(1);                      % get z of the current imaging Scanfield
 4% define mask by assigning a weight to individual pixels in the imaging scanfield
 5mask = [1,1, 1; ...
 6        1,2, 1; ...
 7        2,1, 1; ...
 8        2,2, 1];
 9hSf = createFromMask(hSf_imaging,mask); % create IntegrationField from imaging scanfield and mask = 1;                        % assign IntegrationField to channel 1
12Roi = scanimage.mroi.Roi();                     % create empty Roi
13hRoi.add(z,hSf);                                % add IntegrationField to Roi
14hSI.hIntegrationRoiManager.roiGroup.add(hRoi);  % add IntegrationRoi to IntegrationRoiManager